Yolanda Cabello Vives

Prelife. Madrid.

Embrióloga Senior. Directora del Lab. de Embriología y Andrología y de I+D+i en la URA del H. Ruber Juan Bravo Quironsalud de Madrid. Consultora científica y auditora. Lic. en Biología, Dra. en Ciencias Médicas, Máster en Reproducción Humana Asistida, Psicóloga y
Máster en Sexología Clínica. Fue Profesora Asociada de la Facultad de Ciencias en la UIB.
Miembro del Comité del Registro y del GISE de la SEF y del GIE de ASEBIR. Cuenta con más de 30 publicaciones en revistas nacionales e internacionales, varios capítulos de libro y más de 50 comunicaciones y ponencias en congresos.

Degree in Biology, PhD in Basic Medical Sciences, University Specialist in Molecular Biomedicine Techniques, University Specialist in Pedagogical Aptitude and Research Sufficiency in the area of Medicine by the University of the Balearic Islands. Master's Degree in Assisted Human Reproduction from the University of Salamanca. Degree in Psychology from the Valencian International University and Master in Clinical Sexology from the University of Valencia.
Currently she’s independent Senior Clinical Embryologist and specialized in Assisted Reproduction consultant, researcher, Professor in the International University of Valencia and Auditor and quality consultant for GlobalGROUP in Madrid, Spain.
She has been for more than 20 years Director of several Embryology, Andrology and PGT Laboratories, head of R&D and Scientific Director in different Assisted Reproduction Units in Spain. She has also been project manager at Overture Life, a start-up dedicated to the automation of IVF laboratories.
She was Associate Professor of the Faculty of Sciences in the University of the Balearic Islands from 2004 to 2007. Current member of scientific boards: SIG Embryology of ASEBIR (Spanish Association of Reproductive Biology) and SIG Clinical Embryology in SEF (Spanish Fertility Society). She has been part of the elaboration of Assisted Reproduction Guidelines as: Best Practices Lab, Recommendations for the use of add-ons and Reproductive Health Management in Transgender People. He belonged to the Quality of Assisted Reproduction Laboratory SIG (ASEBIR) from 2010 to 2017 and Embryo Health SIG from 2009 to 2019 (SEF) and Quality Management in Assisted Reproduction Lab SIG from 2000 to 2010 (ASEBIR).
She has been a researcher in 5 financed European projects. He has more than 50 publications in national and international journals, 9 book chapters, more than 80 communications and she has been Guest Speaker in several national and international congresses.
Specialties: Assisted Reproduction. Embryology, Reproductive Gynecology, Fertility Preservation. Quality. Psychology, Sexology.