Medical degree since 1995 from the Universidade Nova, in Lisbon, Portugal.
Worked in the Anatomy Department as a monitor from 1991 until 1993 and in the Immunology Department of this University also as a monitor from 1992 until 1998.
Medical Tutor for the 6 year’s students of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Nova Medical School from 2014 till 2021.
Degree of Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist since 2004 after completing the residency in Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa in Lisbon from 1998 until 2004.
Obstetrician and Gynecologist in the Centro PMA of Hospital dos Lusíadas in Lisbon since 2008, where belongs to a group that pioneered the new ART Center of this Hospital. IVF Coordinator of Centro PMA, Hospital Lusíadas, Lisbon, since February of 2022.
Treasurer of the Portuguese Ginecological Endoscopic Society (SPEG) since January of 2010 until 2015.
President of the Portuguese Ginecological Endoscopic Society (SPEG) since January of 2019 till December of 2022.
Vice President of the Portuguese Gynecological Society (SPG) since January 2023.
Member of the Board of the Portuguese Reproductive Medicine Society (SPMR), elected in May of 2012 and re-elected in 2015.
Vice President of the Portuguese Reproductive Medicine Society (SPMR), elected in May of 2018.
Elected Local Representative of the ESHRE for the ESHRE Committee of National Representatives since 2020 and re-elected in 2023.
More than 30 free communications and posters in Congresses.
1 best communication award in a National Congress in 2001.
15 published papers in peer review Journals.
More than 50 invited speaker’s presentations in Congresses and Courses.
Member of Faculty of many Pre-Congresses Courses in Minimally invasive Surgery organized by the Gynecological Endoscopic Society (SPEG).
Surgeon in Live surgery (Single port ovarian Cistectomy) in the International Course on Minimally invasive Surgery of the Hospital Lusíadas, in March 2012
And in the 1st Course of Gynecological Surgery of the Gynecology department of Lusiadas Hospital in March of 2017 (Endometriosis surgery with minilaproscopic instruments).
Member of the Faculty of the Post Graduate Hands-on course in Gynecological Laparoscopy organized by the International Postgraduate Programme of the Health and Life Sciences Research Institute in 2011 up to 2023.
President of the 31st Annual Congress of the ESGE (European Society of Gynecological Endoscopy) Society, held in Lisbon from 2nd to 5th of October of 2022.
Member of the Scientific Council of the portuguese Journal “Acta Obstetrica e Ginecológica Portuguesa” since 2015 till 2022.
Journal of Obstetricis and Gynaecology Associated Editor since 2023.
Special interests in ART, endometriosis, gynecological endoscopy, and minimally invasive surgery.